Double Degree Evolvement with Technical University Ilmenau, Germany

From September 3 to 6, 2018, three delegates from the Technical University Ilmenau (TUI), Germany, has visited Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (FISIP UAJY). Those three delegates were Prof. Martin Löffelholz, Dr. Andreas Schwarz, and Gunther Kreuzberger, who came to Jogja, to discuss about double degree program establishment with the Communication Science Department. Their visit to UAJY to response to the department’s proposal regarding double degree at bachelor level in 2017. Since then, both parties have been doing intensive correspondence to realise the double degree program.

An ad-hoc team from UAJY, consisting of Ranggabumi Nuswantoro, M.A, Ina Nur Ratriyana, M.A, Alexander Beny Pramudyanto, M.Si. and Pupung Arifin, M.Si. were involved in intensive meeting series with Germany colleagues. The double degree initiative marked as a milestone on long-term partnership between UAJY and TUI since 1999.

To this end, FISIP and TUI reach some significant positive understanding as framework to the next stages. Based on the timeframe plan, this double degree cooperation could be an added value for Communication Science Department International Class that will be lauch in 2019. Institute of Media and Communication Science of TUI will strengthen UAJY’s students perspective with the study on technology and economic aspect of the communication.

During their visit, Prof. Martin Löffelholz, Dr. Andreas Schwarz, and Gunther Kreuzberger, also gave an interesting seminar on Automation of Communication and guest lecturing on several topics.

