Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative

Internship Opportunity with Green School in Bali!
Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative

YSEALI Green School Internship Program Fall Semester 2017 Application
Dear YSEALI Members,

We are pleased to be continuing the YSEALI partnership with Green School and are announcing a call for applications for a 6-month internship opportunity that is related to every one of the YSEALI themes!

The Green School, located in central Bali is a primary and secondary school that has an environmentally focused curriculum and an environmentally sustainable campus.  This innovative institution is globally recognized as a leading model for how to educate young people in an environmentally sustainable way that will also benefit the local community.  It’s the perfect place for YSEALI members to get hands-on experience in conserving the environment, social entrepreneurship, economic development, education, and civic engagement.
There are four enterprises at the Green School that have been in place for some time on campus.  This internship would be an opportunity to use your ecopreneuriship, civic engagement, and education knowledge to help make them full, self-sustaining social enterprises.  They each involve Green School students to varying degrees, but the School ‎wants dedicated, innovative, energetic YSEALI project managers and entrepreneurs to help make them more successful, more integrated into the community, and better drivers of environmentally sustainable practices. 
These Green School enterprises are:
Kembali – More than a recycling center, Kembali is a Zero Waste initiative helping the local village become the greenest village in Bali
BioBus – An alternative transportation and fuels initiative that has three busses running on bio diesel and is looking to grow into supporting use of used-cooking oil bio diesel around Bali, Indonesia, and the World
The Green School Shop – Working to create economic opportunity in the local villages to supply sustainable products for our gift shop, and to supply opportunities for students to develop products as well.
Kul Kul Connection – A community outreach program that teaches English to 250 local children and offers opportunities for starting mini-enterprises. This intern position would specifically be to support middle and high school Indonesian students in starting their entrepreneurial endeavors.

If you have entrepreneurial and environmental skills and goals and want to get experience making a difference in your community, please fill out the online application form at by 7:59 a.m. WIB, Wednesday, June 7th.
The internship will begin on the 26th of July and extend until the 15th of December.   Please ensure that you are available to be in Bali at Green School for this entire time. Room and board, and all travel to and from Bali is fully funded.  Any additional expenses will need to be covered by participants themselves.  

The YSEALI/Green School Internship Timeline:
• Tuesday, June 6th                                             : Applications deadline
• Monday – Tuesday, June 12th – 13th              : Notification of selection to shortlist and schedule time for interview (only shortlisted candidates will be notified)
• Wednesday – Thursday, June 14th – 15th      : Interviews
• Friday, June 16th                                                : Final selection notification
• End of July 2017 – Mid-December 2017       : Internships period at the Green School

We look forward to meeting all of the innovative green YSEALI entrepreneurs.

YSEALI (Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative)
Public Affairs Section
U.S. Embassy Jakarta
