Call for Paper untuk Mahasiswa tentang Integritas


Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that Indonesia Integrity Education Network (IIEN) and Tiri-Integrity Action will hold ASEAN Seminar-Conference on 21-22 March 2013 in Jakarta, Indonesia. We would happily invite your students to take part in the seminar-conference. “Call for Essay” is required for the participation and the essay topics offered are on law, religion, health, public administration, business ethics and communication. Other topics will be possible as far as they deal with matters of “building integrity”.

 Participants targeted in this activity are youth (university students) from Brunei Darussalam, Kingdom of Cambodia, Republic of Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Union of Myanmar, and Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Singapore, the Kingdom of Thailand and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. An expert committee consisting of educators from IIEN will nominate 10 (ten) best essays written by the youth of the ASEAN countries.

Objectives of the activities are:

  1. To increase youth awareness of the importance of integrity in many sectors;
  2. To share and express innovative ideas from youth to build the “dream” ASEAN community;
  3. To build common understanding and solidarity on integrity issues among youth ASEAN countries;
  4. To initiate integrity networks among youth in ASEAN.

Outputs of the activities are:

  1. Sharing experiences among youth through dialogue in conference;
  2. Identified youth “dream” of ASEAN community;
  3. Newly established integrity network among youth in ASEAN countries;
  4. Publication of the best 10 papers in


BENEFITS for successful participants are:

  1. 10 participants with best selected essay will received net-book
  2. 10 participants with best selected essay will have the opportunity to present their essay in front of the forum;
  3. All participants will receive Certificate of Participation
  4. Essays will be collected and published into e-book
  5. Free registration fee for the seminar
  6. Accommodation for 2 days (3 nights) for successful participants
  7. Return air tickets.




Call for Essay publication January-March 1, 2013
Deadline for essay submission March 1, 2013
Selection and reviewing process March 1-8, 2013
Best essays announcement March 8-9, 2013
Seminar and Conference April 2-3, 2013


Essay should be submitted to:

Please kindly cc to