Impression Short Course

Implication of Multiculturalism in the Region

Oktober 19, 2015

Community Engagement Trip

This program gives real experience for students to develop initiative program in a community based on their interaction and their knowledge of community needs and preferences. This year, the participants had chance to live in Kebon Agung Village.

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Kebon Agung is one of the tourist village in Imogiri, Bantul, and famous for its’ Agricultural and cultural village. It provides great lodging houses to facilitate tourist in enjoying the splendid experience of traditional Javanese life. The Kebon Agung village also allow tourists to enjoy agricultural activities such as plowing, planting, breed, and others. In addition to that, Kebon Agung provides canoeing in Tegal Weir with traditional boat, namely the Dragon Boat.

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The participants of Impression Short Course Program UAJY learnt batik, gamelan music, and traditional food cooking and watching many performances such as a jathilan or gejog Kebon Agung lesung and also the traditional culinary delights such as Tumpeng, Cemplon, Wedang Uwuh, Pecel and many more.


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